Thrombocytopenia with symptomatic bleeding at or above World Health Organization grade 2 or planned invasive procedures are established indications for platelet transfusions, while the evidence for a benefit of prophylactic platelet transfusions is weak and controversial. Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia requires alternative anticoagulation at a therapeutic dose and immune thrombocytopenia immunomodulatory treatment. In these patients, treatment of the underlying disease will also increase platelet counts. Sepsis and trauma are the most common causes of thrombocytopenia in the ICU. While platelet transfusion might be indicated in patients with impaired platelet production or increased platelet destruction, it could be deleterious in patients with increased intravascular platelet activation. Identification of the underlying cause is key for management decisions in individual patients. Persisting thrombocytopenia in critically ill patients is associated with, but not causative of, increased mortality. Multiple causes (pseudothrombocytopenia, hemodilution, increased consumption, decreased production, increased sequestration, and immune-mediated destruction of platelets) alone or in combination make thrombocytopenia very common in intensive care unit (ICU) patients.